Friday, October 22, 2010

galilee { 2 }

Our second day in Galilee we went to three sites, none of them are mentioned in the Bible but they are historically significant.

Sepphoris – This was one of the only cities that was not destroyed by the Romans in the 1st Jewish Revolt, they had made a treaty with the Romans. Although the Bible does not mention this site it is thought that Jesus possibly came here while it was being built because he was a carpenter.

Akko – A city located right on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, it is roughly 4500 years old and has an old city much like Jerusalem. We got to experience this city through the eyes of our unique tour guide, unfortunately about 90% of the things he told us were false.

Rosh HaNiqra – A very unique spot located on the border of Israel and Lebanon, there are caves and taverns here that have been carved by the huge waves of the Mediterranean Sea.

This night we camped on the Mediterranean Sea at Akhiv Beach, this was one of my favorite nights. This is the second time that we have been camping here in Israel, the first was at En Gedi by the Dead Sea which was scorching hot but still extremely fun. This night, out of the 53 days that we have been here, it decided to rain. We had a great evening of food, games and talking and right around the time we all decided to go to bed it started raining. Many people found shelter by a building and a few of us stuck it out and it was a fun experience, aside from being a little damp. I have always loved camping but I am finding out how much fun it is with 33 people and on beaches instead of the mountains.

1 comment:

  1. love it. great pictures too.

    wish we could have gone to akko and those caverns. the look like a blast
